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Explore & connect is where singles in the Iranian community come to meet, chat, and connect online, right now. We are the largest community of Persians living in the U.S and Canada, Sweden, Germany, and more. Share your interests, post your selfies, connect with like-minded people fast. Phone, desktop, and tablet.

Fast & easy

IranianPersonals is the best way to meet a lot of Iranians, safely, quickly, and easily. Our process is fun and our tools are simple to use. In minutes you can be chatting with someone new. Without the hassle and expense of clubs or lackluster results from your small network of well-meaning friends, we help you make things happen. Just have an open mind and an open heart.

Safety & experience

We've been helping folks make real connections for nearly twenty years. You benefit from our experience, security encryption, and active community of members who all help to make this a thriving site for Iranians looking for friendship, fun, and romance. Join for free today to experience the joy of meeting like-minded Persian singles.

Over 8 Million Connections made on

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This website is part of World Singles Networks.
Our approach, networks, and team have been honed by over 15 years of successfully helping millions of people all over the globe, in multiple languages and cultures, connect and find love.

Iran Singles & Persian dating site & Iran Chat Room

Welcome to largest Iranian Singles community on the Internet. Iranian Personals is an Iranian dating app and dating site that caters to Persian singles and Muslima singles seeking to meet their soul mate. Site features include Iranian chat, photo galleries of single Muslims, a Persian message system... Join this Muslim matrimonial site for free and start meeting Muslim Iranian singles.

About Iranian Personals: Launched in late 2001, Iranian Personals has facilitated hundreds of relationships and Iranian marriages via Iran Chat Room in Farsi. We invite you to create your free Muslim matrimonial and dating profile today and explore the wonderful world of online matchmaking at our Iranian chat room. Join Iranian Personals for free today!

ملاقات با مجردهای ایرانی در ایرانیان‌پرسنلز

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